Growing Renewable Energy Applications and Technologies

GREAT is a project with ten partners in Ireland, Belgium, Netherlands and UK.  It is about Smart Energy and is funded by the partners and the European Union’s North West Europe INTERREG programme.


The project has practical and policy objectives.  These include:

1.  Developing a set of tools to enable small and medium sized enterprises (SME’s) to engage with Smart Energy and make energy savings.

2.  Enabling SME’s to do business across borders.

3. Stimulating product development among enterprises.

4. Building an overall awareness of opportunities for Smart Energy were instrumental in obtaining the funding for the GREAT project from the EU.  We are also involved with building awareness for Smart Energy across the Yorkshire and Humber region.

Current Activities

  • We have helped to set up Leeds Energy as a provident society.
  • Working along with Leeds University and Leeds City Council  we have been able to develop a  proposal for intelligent buildings.   This is designed to  save 20% of energy costs in carbon emissions in blocks of buildings.
  • We are working with local groups to set up a Dissemination Centre for Smart Energy in the region.

